145 Group MMC

145 Group MMC

The "145" Group was established in 2003. The group of companies consists of 10 restaurants, including "Cay Evi", "Cay Bagi", "The Cafe", "Malacannes", "Terrace", "Balkon", "Mardacannes", "Metropol", "Passage", "Green Garden",  the "Sultan Inn" boutique hotel, and "Healthy Food" catering services. The history of the company's name comes from its first project "Tea House". The name and origin of our group of firms came from the avenue number "145" of the first project. The core focus of restaurants is based on tea and hookah. Moreover, we have both national and European cuisine. Our team is united by the goal of giving guests a magnificent taste, quality service, and maximum emotions. It is important for us that quality and tasty food is available to our guests any day of the week and any time of day (the holding's restaurants are open 24 hours a day), and that rest is unforgettable.

Şirkətə məxsus aktiv vakansiyalar

Şirkətə məxsus köhnə vakansiyalar

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