Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Agile Product Owner – Mobile Banking vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 17258
Agile Product Owner – Mobile Banking vakansiyaları
Agile Product Owner – Mobile Banking vakansiyaları
17 Aprel
Elan tarixi
27 May
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İş məlumatları
Məhsul Sahibi (PO)
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İş barədə məlumat
Kapital bank (the Azerbaijan top bank) is seeking for Product Owner to enforce and lead dedicated team, responsible for mobile banking application. Bank’s app is transforming right now to be aligned with the new customer needs and global trends.
- Development of bank's digital channels as PO (Define and execute the strategy and roadmap)
- Understand and improve behavioral and business metrics
- Validating requirements with development team and stakeholder
- Managing product and sprint backlog, identify and prioritize scope in collaboration with Scrum Master and Product Team
- Working with key stakeholders across the company to ensure alignment in business goals and in user needs
- Guiding and coordinating any kind of researches to enforce product development
- Keeping product documentation up-to-date
- Working with UX to prepare wireframes and designs
- Representing the product internally and externally and act as the technical contact for queries related to the product.
- Good understanding of retail banking (fintech and bank disruptors way of doing business as a big plus)
- Fundamental understanding of end-to-end banking customer experience (both offline and online)
- Be able to generate product improvements ideas based on the market, customer, and technical insight and prove them with business cases
- Experience in validating product hypothesis, A/B testing
- Experience in creating process documentation, specifications, diagrams
- Experience in mobile / web dev projects (as a part of the team or leading)
- Ability to identify use cases, align with business and prioritize them with focus on maximum value
- Experience in leading teams in SAFe environment
- Experience working with requirements within Scrum framework and write quality user stories
- Advanced written / spoken English
- Readiness to advise the stakeholders how the product should be developing
- Ability to talk both business / technical language with corresponding teams
- Good analytical skills
- Good team player, motivated to solve complex tasks
- Strong communication and problem-solving skills
- Self-motivated, self-disciplined and result-oriented
Kapital Bank-da iş mühiti ilə daha yaxından tanış olmaq üçün keçid edin - https://urlgeni.us/linkedin/mblbnnr
Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!
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Elan № 17258
Agile Product Owner – Mobile Banking vakansiyaları
Agile Product Owner – Mobile Banking vakansiyaları
17 Aprel
Elan tarixi
27 May
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