Razılaşma ilə
12 iyul 2021
11 avqust 2021
Android Developer for Agile team
General information
The Kapital Bank invites candidates to apply for the position of Android Developer for Agile team.
• Design and develop mobile software for internal and public use and support of existing one;
• Work with UX/UI designers, product owners, and other stakeholders to plan, execute and release new features and improvements periodically;
• Launching and supporting new projects, upgrading actual projects;
• Work as part of an agile team on leading-edge technologies.
Specific job skills
• Language : Java
• Design patterns : MV*
• Technologies : Dagger2, GreenDao3, Retrofit2, RxJava/RxAndroid, Glide 4 advanced, Threading, Google Map SDK, Firebase SDK, Coroutines
• Additional : OOP, SOLID principles, Gradle terminology and usage, Services, Broadcast receivers, Intents and Intent providers, Constraint layout and constraints, writing and reading file from storage, scoped storage, creating modules and libraries and implementation of them.
• Higher degree;
• 3+ years of work experience preferred;
• Previous experience in banking preferred;
• Excellent problem-solving, analytical skills and teamwork spirit.
In case of interest please through our send your CV indicating vacancy title to
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