Android Software Developer

İDRAK Technology Transfer

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Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Android Software Developer vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.

Elan № 11822

Android Software Developer vakansiyaları

Android Software Developer vakansiyaları

09 Yanvar 2023

Elan tarixi

08 Fevral 2023

Bitmə tarixi



İş məlumatları




İş rejimi





İş barədə məlumat

  • Design and implement android-based mobile software and systems from requirements to production and commercial deployment
  • Design, develop, code, test and debug system software
  • Review code and design
  • Analyze and enhance efficiency, stability and scalability of system resources
  • Integrate and validate new product designs
  • Provide post production support
  • Assess third party and open source software


  • Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent degree
  • 3 years+ proven working experience in mobile technologies
  • Good knowledge of OOP principles, Java and Kotlin
  • Algorithmic thinking ability, basic mathematical knowledge
  • Android foundations, design patterns - MVP/MVVC/MVC
  • Android Architecture Components (AAC), Android Jetpack, AndroidX, MVICore, Kodein
  • Experience with Git, Jira
  • Build systems Gradle/Maven
  • Working with Rest and SOAP
  • Experience with JNI
  • Android Background Services, WorkManager
  • Working with BLE, motion sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer)
  • Working with data (sqlite, room, shared preferences)
  • Strong documentation and writing skills
  • Bug fixing

Skills And Knowledge:

  • Experience with Android operating systems
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Skills in handling UI/UX tools (Figma)
  • Material design and Responsive UI
  • Good knowledge in mobile software development environments and tools

Working time: Monday – Friday from 09:00 to 18:00. Saturday/Sunday – weekend.

Monthly salary will be negotiated during the interview, depending on the knowledge, skills and experience of the candidate.

Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!

Elan № 11822

Android Software Developer vakansiyaları

Android Software Developer vakansiyaları

09 Yanvar 2023

Elan tarixi

08 Fevral 2023

Bitmə tarixi



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