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Elan № 13407
Budgeting and Reporting Manager vakansiyaları
Budgeting and Reporting Manager vakansiyaları
23 May 2023
Elan tarixi
22 İyun 2023
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Role Synopsis:
- Reports to Finance Director. Responsible for preparation and management of financial reports and budgets.
Key Accountabilities:
- Prepares consolidated IFRS based Group financial reports and managerial reports for Group.
- Helps and reviews the work of subsidiaries in financial reporting and budgeting process.
- Collecting all financial data, including general ledgers, budgets, management and financial reporting data from the Portfolio companies.
- Leading the production of all reporting including the; monthly/quarterly/annually management and financial reporting, budgeting and cash flow forecasting maintaining the highest quality, reliability, and accuracy.
- Reviewing, maintaining, and improving on the financial internal controls and process efficiency.
- Coordinating the Company’s annual audit with the independent auditors.
- Prepares consolidated InvestCo’s financial and managerial reports and consolidated budget (including Portfolio companies).
- Helps and reviews the work of subsidiaries/assets in managerial reporting and budgeting process.
- Reviews/Challenges annual financial plans, forecasts, budgets of the assets under Group’s control.
- Checks performance of Portfolio companies against targets and financial KPIs.
- Supervising work done by employees, ensuring staff maintains necessary skills and knowledge for completion of work within set deadlines and with high quality.
- Ad hoc portfolio and financial analysis as needed.
Desired background:
- Bachelor’s degree in economics, Finance or in a related field is required.
- ACCA or CPA is an asset.
- More than 5 years of experience in relative field.
Required skills:
- Ability to maintain the financial health of the organization.
- Strong financial knowledge including best practices and international standards.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Good analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Proficient with advanced use of Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
- Time management and ability to meet deadlines.
- Business fluency in Azerbaijani and English.
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Elan № 13407
Budgeting and Reporting Manager vakansiyaları
Budgeting and Reporting Manager vakansiyaları
23 May 2023
Elan tarixi
22 İyun 2023
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