Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Business Development Manager vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 2320
Business Development Manager vakansiyaları
Business Development Manager vakansiyaları
06 Avqust 2020
Elan tarixi
05 Sentyabr 2020
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
- Development of a business strategy and sales channel, analysis of the local market, competitors and customer segment
- Development of a strategy for promoting smartphones, business planning, negotiating with key customers, making a sales forecast
- Active promotion of smartphones for sale among the company's affiliate network
- Conducting training webinars and seminars
- Consultations with the vendor on the principles of interaction, licensing and certification of smartphones, as well as their technical features
- Extension of existing customer base
- Identification of promotion channels, communication with platforms, organization of events to increase brand awareness
- Communication with the marketing department
- Participation in the development of a marketing plan
- Regular analysis of sales and marketing, development of recommendations for increasing profitability
- Higher education, preferably BA/IT
- Relevant experience in similar position not less than 2 years
- Knowledge of the mobile phone market
- Experience in Brans Management (preferably)
- Russian Intermediate
- Interesting work in a dynamic international environment, work in a stable and leading company (leading distributor of the world's largest manufacturers)
- Work in a friendly and professional team
- Excellent opportunities for professional growth and development, huge interesting experience
E - mail: hr_info@gulfstream.az
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Naxçıvan nümayəndəliyinin rəhbəri
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PASHA Insurance

Elektrik Mühəndisi
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Elan № 2320
Business Development Manager vakansiyaları
Business Development Manager vakansiyaları
06 Avqust 2020
Elan tarixi
05 Sentyabr 2020
Bitmə tarixi