Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Data Analyst vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 11579
Data Analyst vakansiyaları
Data Analyst vakansiyaları
27 Dekabr 2022
Elan tarixi
26 Yanvar 2023
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
- Data analysis according to business assignments;
- Monitor and control the leverages for offer performance: Sales, Pricing, Margins (gross and operating and net), and sell-through before and after-sales;
- Follow the performance of the assortment for each price quartile, customer needs, and areas allocation (per UM);
- Consistency with the buying budget and brand strategy;
- Monitor the buying budgets and open to buy;
- Create a projection of the next season with the data;
- Control the performance of the assortment with the budgeted sales and margin;
- Alert on risk and opportunities regarding performance and sell-through of the assortment: up to date and forecast;
- Conduct meetings and presentations to share ideas and findings;
- Monitor the stock and stock fluctuations (information provided by the stock controller, to be reviewed and controlled);
- Review sell-through on monthly and seasonal level;
- Perform analytics per sales categories; Season, Category (shoes, accessories, clothing...), Gender, Subcategory (Pants, t-shirts, coats...) color, size...
- Ensure the consistency and compliance of business processes through the analytics;
- Assist Committee in analytics of the Buying budgets and forecasts before the Committee meetings;
- Alert on risks/non-compliance and opportunities in the Budget/Forecast processes;
- Retail experience;
- Excel & Power BI, SQL expertise;
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in data analytics;
- Time-management;
- Bachelor Degree in Finance/Accounting;
- Communication skills;
- Detail oriented;
- Source of proposals;
- Organizational skills;
Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!
OXŞar vakansİYALAR
Kateqoriya meneceri
İnformasiya sistemlərinin mühafizəsi üzrə Aparıcı mütəxəssis
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Data analitika üzrə mütəxəssis/aparıcı mütəxəssis (Reklam və marketinq şöbəsi)
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Yelo Bank
İT Biznes analitik
Rabitabank OJSC
Data Science Internship
QSS Analytics
Biznes Analitik
Kapital Bank
Scrum Master
Unibank ASC
ERP Project Manager
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Modellərin Validasiyası üzrə Baş Mütəxəssis
Kapital Bank
Elan № 11579
Data Analyst vakansiyaları
Data Analyst vakansiyaları
27 Dekabr 2022
Elan tarixi
26 Yanvar 2023
Bitmə tarixi