Electrical Lead Engineer

Oil and Gas Company

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Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Electrical Lead Engineer vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.

Elan № 4761

Electrical Lead Engineer vakansiyaları

Electrical Lead Engineer vakansiyaları

15 Yanvar 2021

Elan tarixi

14 Fevral 2021

Bitmə tarixi



İş məlumatları



5 ildən yüksək

İş stajı


İş rejimi





İş barədə məlumat


- Responsible for;
- Leading electrical maintenance department responsibilities, engineer, and technician team
- Commissioning activities of the new process plants.
- Producing standards, procedures, checklists etc. documentation.
- Leading maintenance of equipment such as transformers, electric motors and controls, generators, generating power stations and associated switchgear of medium and high voltage, variable frequency controllers, transformers, UPS & PLC. Ability to read and understand process P&IDs, electrical SLD and schematic diagrams, and Power Management System (PMS), Atmosphere Explosive (ATEX). Knowledge in arc flash hazards & Hazardous area equipment maintenance. Etc
- Managing sub-contractors
- Troubleshooting of failures
- Supporting project team as SME in technical matters
- Supporting maintenance planning department
- Generating preventive and corrective maintenance tasks for equipment
- Supporting Turnaround department


What we are looking for:

- Electrical Engineer bachelor’s degree from a reputable university
- Min. 6 max. 15 years of experience (Max. 40 years old age)
- Knowledge about electrical equipments like transformers, electric motors and controls, generators, generating power stations and associated switchgear of medium and high voltage, variable frequency controllers, transformers, UPS & PLC. Ability to read and understand process P&IDs, electrical SLD and schematic diagrams, and Power Management System (PMS), Atmosphere Explosive (ATEX). Knowledge in arc flash hazards & Hazardous area equipment maintenance. etc.
- SAP PM, Microsoft Office Programs knowledge
- Maintenance Planning and Programming
- RCM and RCA, troubleshooting failures
- Familiar with International standards
- Advanced English
- Working on High Voltage Electricity Certificate

Interested candidates should send their CVs noting their salary expectation to recruitment@ires.az indicating the title of position in the subject line of their message.
Otherwise your candidacy will not be considered.

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Elan № 4761

Electrical Lead Engineer vakansiyaları

Electrical Lead Engineer vakansiyaları

15 Yanvar 2021

Elan tarixi

14 Fevral 2021

Bitmə tarixi



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