Front End Developer

Smart Solutions

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Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Front End Developer vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.

Elan № 12415

Front End Developer vakansiyaları

Front End Developer vakansiyaları

24 Fevral 2023

Elan tarixi

26 Mart 2023

Bitmə tarixi



İş məlumatları




İş rejimi





İş barədə məlumat

  • The Front-end Developer performs the following process operations:
  • Front-End Application Development;
  • Application development and deployment under virtualized/Cloud/Containerized environment;
  • Familiar with Dev Ops best practices;
  • Strong Infrastructure Background;
  • Evaluate and identify new technologies for implementation. Evaluate, recommend and select 3rd party components which will make the development life cycle shorter and more productive;
  • Performance tuning, improvement, balancing, usability, automation;
  • Support, maintain and document software functionality.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Location close to the city center;
  • 5/7 working days;
  • 09.00 a.m.-06.00 p.m. working hours (including 1 hour for lunch);
  • Fixed salary.


  • CSS and Frontend Frameworks, ANGULAR/ is a must; 
  • Understanding or Awareness of the AGILE/SCRUM methodologies (desirable); 
  • Understanding or Awareness of the Unit Testing and TDD;
  • Ability to read and work with Legacy Code;
  • Understanding or Awareness of the Software Architecture and Solution Architecture Concepts;
  • Knowing of UX –UI Fundamentals;
  • Ability to think critically and creatively to develop innovative solutions to software problems;
  • Being able to clearly communicate your ideas with the group;
  • Understand emerging web and mobile development models;
  • Experienced with all ancillary technologies necessary for Internet applications: HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, Reverse Proxy, etc.;
  • High scalability projects involving cloud-based infrastructure design and implementation;
  • Good understanding of Framework Agnostic Component Development;
  • Deep understanding of distributed data model;
  • Extensive knowledge of OOP languages;
  • Ability to use version control software such as GIT and GIT Lab Environment, JIRA awareness;
  • Knowledge of computer equipment and ability to develop complex software to satisfy design objectives HTML/CSS;
  • JAVASCRIPT, jQuery, AJAX, Type Script is priority;
  • CSS Pre-processing;
  • Responsive Design;
  • Testing/Debugging;
  • Browser Developer Tools;
  • Strong Teamworking skills.

Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!

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Front-end Developer vəzifəsi üçün digər vakansiyaları və daha ətraflı məlumatı aşağıdakı səhifələrdən əldə edə bilərsiniz.

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Front-end Developer maaşları

Elan № 12415

Front End Developer vakansiyaları

Front End Developer vakansiyaları

24 Fevral 2023

Elan tarixi

26 Mart 2023

Bitmə tarixi



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