Razılaşma ilə
07 sentyabr 2021
07 oktyabr 2021
Frontend Developer
General information:
The Kapital Bank invites candidates to apply for the position of Frontend Developer for Agile team.
• Ability to write simple and readable code;
• Ability to deal with Git.
• Ability to review others code.
• Undergraduate degree or higher;
• 5+ years of work experience preferred;
• 3+ years of work experience with React;
• Previous experience in banking preferred;
• Able to work in a team (Teamwork).
Specific job skills:
• HTML5;
• CSS/CSS3 (SASS or LESS must);
• Javascript (React, Redux);
• Additional required job skills;
• ES6, TypeScript, WebPack, npm, automated tests (e.g. Jest, Enzyme, React testing library)
Bu əməliyyatı etmək üçün profilə giriş etməyiniz tələb olunur.
Bu əməliyyatı etmək üçün profilə giriş etməyiniz tələb olunur.