Sistem idarəetməsi
Razılaşma ilə
06 sentyabr 2021
06 oktyabr 2021
Position: Help desk
• Manage, Inventory and monitor all installed systems and infrastructure
• Install, configure, test and maintain operating systems, application software and system management tools
• Proactively ensure the highest levels of systems and infrastructure availability
• Provide support to End-User at every level
• Maintain security, backup, and redundancy strategies
• Participate in the design of information and operational support systems
• Deep knowledge of Microsoft Windows and mac OS operating systems (Windows 7,10 , Windows Server 2019)
• Deep knowledge of Microsoft Office Platform (Microsoft 365 , etc..)
• Knowledge of Microsoft Domain infrastructure (AD, DNS, DHCP, Print Server ,File Server)
• Knowledge of Cisco network devices (switches, access points)
• Knowledge of VOIP devices (IP Telephone, etc.,)
• Proactive, Kind and calm person able to face IT problems in the right way. Able in dealing with colleagues and end-User.
Please send your CVs/resumes to
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