Information Security Specialist

Information Security Specialist


Vaxtı bitmiş

Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Information Security Specialist vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.

Elan № 3346

Information Security Specialist vakansiyaları

Information Security Specialist vakansiyaları

30 Sentyabr 2020

Elan tarixi

30 Oktyabr 2020

Bitmə tarixi



İş məlumatları

İş barədə məlumat

  • Designing, developing and implementing information security policies, procedures and standards for the organization based on idustry regulations and security frameworks and applicable best practices;
  • Develop and administer internal information security assurance, standards and procedures;
  • Participate in employee information security awareness and trainings
  • Participate in secure software and infrastructure development process
  • Establish a “Information security” culture within the company;
  • Identify, evaluate, and report on Information Security risks in a manner that meets compliance and regulatory requirements, and aligns with and supports the risk posture of the organization;
  • Assist in developing, implementing, and monitoring a strategic, comprehensive Information Security and IT risk management program to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information;
  • Ability to drive information security projects.


  • Over 1 year of work experience in information security;
  • Good understanding of cyber security and information security principles, methodologies, requirements and solutions;
  • Knowledge and solid understanding of security industry best practices;
  • Strong organizational, decision-making, and analytical skills;
  • Excellent problem solving abilities and troubleshooting skills.

Please send your CV to, 

with “Information Security Specialist” in the subject field.

Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!

Elan № 3346

Information Security Specialist vakansiyaları

Information Security Specialist vakansiyaları

30 Sentyabr 2020

Elan tarixi

30 Oktyabr 2020

Bitmə tarixi



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