Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Innovation Analyst (Investment stream) vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 12487
Innovation Analyst (Investment stream) vakansiyaları
Innovation Analyst (Investment stream) vakansiyaları
02 Mart 2023
Elan tarixi
01 Aprel 2023
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
- Support senior team members in forming the venture selection process (funnel);
- Support senior team members in building out VC’s framework with which investments and portfolio companies are evaluated;
- Conduct venture/startup sourcing through different channels and partnerships;
- Conduct deal screening and due diligence on potential new investments (business analysis, industry thesis, competitive landscape, business/pricing model, and financial modeling/deal structuring) and communicate the insights to the investment team;
- Prepare written materials, including investment memoranda and status reports;
- Support senior team members in executing the project management and coordination/development of work plans, deliverables, and activities;
- Organize and hold meetings with external and internal innovation-related stakeholders, and take notes as required;
- Keep up-to-date the database of the deal-flow pipeline and track the execution of the related action items via project management tools;
- Preparing market analyses and presentations to drive investment decisions and engagement with the company’s extensive network of corporate relationships;
- Support development of regular trend analysis and function reporting as requested;
- Develop emerging technology radars, and technology impact profiles, and organize informative bi-weekly newsletters and quarterly intelligence reports for Group employees around the various emerging technology trends, ecosystems, and best practices;
- Keep yourself up to date in the technological and business field in order to quickly and effectively recognize business opportunities and industry/market emerging trends.
- 1-4 years of total work experience, including 1 year of work experience in function/or 1 year of work experience in a specific industry;
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Azerbaijani and English are a must; Turkish and Russian is preferable;
- Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in a quantitative field;
- Experience in a startup environment, venture capital, or within the corporate innovation domain is desirable;
- Professional presentation skills, Microsoft Office and Google Suite apps, programming and modeling apps;
- Proficiency in financial concepts, financial modeling, and accounting;
- Computer programming experience is a plus;
- Strong analytical skills;
- Demonstrated ability to thrive in an entrepreneurial environment with limited supervision (including proactively seeking guidance when needed);
- Excellent interpersonal and networking skills with an ability to develop and maintain effective business relationships;
- Time and organizational skills.
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Elan № 12487
Innovation Analyst (Investment stream) vakansiyaları
Innovation Analyst (Investment stream) vakansiyaları
02 Mart 2023
Elan tarixi
01 Aprel 2023
Bitmə tarixi