Razılaşma ilə
06 noyabr 2023
06 dekabr 2023
·Creation and development of mobile applications
·Ability to write simple and readable code
·MVC Design Pattern
·Ability to deal with Git
·Strong knowledge of Swift programming language
·Good knowledge of Objective-C programming language
·Experience with core iOS frameworks like CoreGraphics, CoreAnimation, CoreData, AVFoundation, GCD, UIKit, SwiftUI
·Knowledge of Architecture Patterns (MVC, MVVM, VIPER, VIP etc.)
·Good grasp of OOP Principles and Design Patterns
·Good knowledge of Algoritms and Data Structures
·Good knowledge of SOLID, KISS, DRY Principles
·Experience with at least one of the mainstream programming languages (Java, C#, C++, Python)
·Experience with some of the frontend/backend technologies
·Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
·Experience with Unit/UI testing
·Experience with automated builds and CI/CD
·Advanced Git knowledge
·Good code review skills
·Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
·Good organizational and time-management skills
·A collaborative mindset with strong communication ability
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