Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Junior Product Owner vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 12143
Junior Product Owner vakansiyaları
Junior Product Owner vakansiyaları
01 Fevral 2023
Elan tarixi
03 Mart 2023
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
Job purpose:
- Responsible for understanding, formalization and documentation of business requirements on the stage of task initiation and forthcoming monitoring of the compliance of the developed software with Technispecifications.
Main Accountabilities:
- To take the participation in the discussions of all technical and functional requirements on the stage of initiation of any software-related task by the Business Units;
- To attend and support in the preparation of Business preparation and creation design documents based on Business Requirements;
- To discuss the technical tasks with IT or partner 3rd parties and ensure the feasibility of the requirements set;
- To monitor the compliance of the development or implementation steps with the technical requirements.
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in economics or information technologies field;
- Work experience: More 1 year experience in the financial and IT sector;
- Foreign Language: Russian, English;
- Computer Skills: Microsoft Office (Excel, Visio), SQL;
- Market Knowledge: Banking processes, bank regulations, banking products;
- Other: Multitasking, Good interpersonal skills, Good communication and presentation skills, Software development methodologies (fundamentals)
- Аnalytic skills.
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OXŞar vakansİYALAR
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Express Bank
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HR Option
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Social Media Menecer
JET Academy
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Trend İmpuls
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Rəqəmsal (Digital) Marketinq meneceri
Avis Apteklər Şəbəkəsi
Brendin idarəedilməsi departamenti, Mütəxəssis / Aparıcı mütəxəssis
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Baku School Education Center
Sosial Media Marketinq (SMM) mütəxəssisi
Asthetik Lab kosmetoloji klinika
Sosial Media Marketinq (SMM) mütəxəssisi
Furqan Mebel Xalqlar dostluğu
Vibe Agency
Sosial Media Marketinq (SMM) mütəxəssisi
Vibe Agency
Elan № 12143
Junior Product Owner vakansiyaları
Junior Product Owner vakansiyaları
01 Fevral 2023
Elan tarixi
03 Mart 2023
Bitmə tarixi