Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Learning & Development Supervisor vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 11825
Learning & Development Supervisor vakansiyaları
Learning & Development Supervisor vakansiyaları
09 Yanvar 2023
Elan tarixi
08 Fevral 2023
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
- Identifying and assessing current and future training needs;
- Drawing an overall or individualized training and development plan;
- Designing a range of learning interventions, including technical, behavioural and leadership programmes;
- Driving a culture of continuous professional development;
- Maintain a keen understanding of training trends, developments and best practices;
- Monitor and evaluate training program’s effectiveness, success and periodically and report on them;
- Prepare and execute learning procedures and strategies;
- Prepare E-learning and Video material for trainings;
- Provide online / offline and instore trainings for internal and external users;
- Implement various learning methods companywide;
- Coordinating with external vendors to arrange for offsite training sessions;
- Recording information about training sessions in a database or spreadsheet for tracking purposes;
- Coordinating with managers to identify training needs for their departments;
- Preparing reports about training programs and how effectively learning has been transferred to employees;
- Work very closely with the retail team to ensure ongoing training and development of the retail teams and that people are trained in delivering a customer centric environment;
- Undertake analysis of financial data associated with training including budgets, actual spend and estimates to completions;
- Monitor and evaluate the progress and assess training effectiveness;
- Research and recommend new technologies, companies and approaches to learning;
- Provide online and offline quizzes from prepare to analysis;
- Store checking – monitoring sales team’s knowledge and training needs;
- Perform other duties as assigned;
- Bachelor’s degree in L&D, Psychology or Human Resources preferred;
- Minimum 4-5 years of experience designing and developing training programs in the Retail field;
- Knowledge of effective learning and development methods
- Familiarity with e-learning platforms and practices;
- Exceptional organizational skills and attention to details;
- Outstanding communication and leadership skills;
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office;
- Fluent in three languages (Azerbaijani, Russian, English);
- Creative and analytical thinking skills;
- Strong writing and record keeping ability for reports and training manuals;
- Ability to plan, multi-task and manage time effectively;
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OXŞar vakansİYALAR
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İT Biznes analitik
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Kapital Bank
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Elan № 11825
Learning & Development Supervisor vakansiyaları
Learning & Development Supervisor vakansiyaları
09 Yanvar 2023
Elan tarixi
08 Fevral 2023
Bitmə tarixi