Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Marketing and Brand Director vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 9073
Marketing and Brand Director vakansiyaları
Marketing and Brand Director vakansiyaları
19 İyun 2022
Elan tarixi
19 İyul 2022
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İş məlumatları
Marketinq mütəxəssisi
İş rejimi
Marketinq menecment
İş barədə məlumat
- Lead the brand “Take Another Look” and its development strategy. Consequently, the formulation of a marketing plan for the prioritized industries, the supervision of brand implementation activities and respective evaluation, are part of the core tasks.
- Use of data-driven insights and strategies to acquire and retain targets.
- Steer identification of target audiences and develop client engagement strategies via social media and digital platforms.
- Develop research plans to deepen understanding of target audience needs, market sizing and consumption behavior to guide the development of the marketing strategy in close coordination with other departments.
- Manage external stakeholder relations, lead content related negotiations and leverage opportunities to strike partnerships to fulfill marketing objectives, where needed.
- Prepare various management documents, financial reports, and project summary, etc. in accordance with the organization’s policies.
- Work with global advertising and media agencies on the creative adaptation and execution, media planning, budgeting and evaluation.
- Provide knowledge support to various teams throughout the organizations.
- Public speaking at international events related to tourism / destination brand Azerbaijan.
- Undertake any other duties and assignments as directed by supervisors.
- Bachelor degree or higher in brand, marketing, tourism, recreation or related disciplines is preferred
- Advanced brand and marketing strategy knowledge and project management
- At least 7 years of management experience in brand & marketing
- Knowledge and experience in implementing and co-coordinating international co-operative marketing campaigns
- Experience working for or with advertising agencies is an advantage
- Good Knowledge of Word, Excel and PowerPoint software applications
- Excellent communications and interpersonal skills
- High proficiency in Azerbaijani and English. Any other foreign language is an advantage.
- Ability to think creatively and work to strict deadlines
- Strong analytical skills with proficiency in marketing, knowledge of tourism or related industries
- Supervisory experience and public speaking is an advantage
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Elan № 9073
Marketing and Brand Director vakansiyaları
Marketing and Brand Director vakansiyaları
19 İyun 2022
Elan tarixi
19 İyul 2022
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