Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Marketing Director vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.
Elan № 5914
Marketing Director vakansiyaları
Marketing Director vakansiyaları
10 İyun 2021
Elan tarixi
10 İyul 2021
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İş məlumatları
Marketinq mütəxəssisi
İş rejimi
Marketinq menecment
İş barədə məlumat
- General Responsibility for ensuring that the products, services, and product lines that fall under their domain resonate with current and potential customers;
- Responsible for executing marketing campaigns;
- Managing and developing P&L and driving the market growth;
- Supervise Marketing strategy and product promotion to increase sales;
- Plan, develop general and direct marketing efforts for a particular brand or product;
- Create strategies to take advantage of market opportunities;
- Conceptualize strategic initiatives and implement details of a campaign;
- Execute strategies with cross-functional teams;
- Manage access to marketing assets;
- Manage all external marketing strategy partners such as advertising agencies, digital marketing firms, and production companies;
- Supervise marketing and brand content;
- Develop marketing and brand standards and usage guidelines;
- Market analysis, SWOT, and competitors exploration;
- Development and implementation of annual marketing plans, sales and brand strategies, etc.
- At least 5 years work experience in Marketing (Mainly in FMCG);
- Excellent command of Azerbaijani, English (both written and verbal); Capable to handle Marketing strategy, procedures, and operations independently;
- Excellent knowledge of Marketing theory and practice;
- Team supervising, required to be punctual with a sense of time and responsibility;
- Leadership skills to manage Marketing teams;
- Strong research and analytical skills;
- Comfort with CRM software;
- In-depth understanding of the company’s current products and future concepts;
- A willingness to listen;
- Strong ability to think creatively and innovatively;
- Budget-management skills and proficiency;
- Professional judgment and discretion that comes from years of experience in the field;
- Analytical skills to forecast and identify trends and challenges;
How to apply:
Please send your resume to career@totalbeverage.group with indicating “Marketing Director” in the email subject line.
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Elan № 5914
Marketing Director vakansiyaları
Marketing Director vakansiyaları
10 İyun 2021
Elan tarixi
10 İyul 2021
Bitmə tarixi