Marketing Officer

Marketing Officer

PASHA Development
  • Şəhər


  • Kateqoriya


  • Maaş

    Razılaşma ilə

  • İş rejimi


  • Yerləşmə tarixi

    03 mart 2023

  • Bitmə tarixi

    02 aprel 2023


Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Marketinq mütəxəssisi vakansiyaları üçün bura keçid edin!
  • Act as the main point of contact for all marketing-related inquiries, responding promptly and professionally.
  • Collaborate with the marketing team to plan and execute daily marketing activities.
  • Manage departmental processes and control the distribution of marketing information.
  • Provide support to the Marketing Director and team by coordinating and compiling content for marketing campaigns.
  • Establish and manage all internal communication systems.
  • Manage vendors and suppliers while ensuring strict confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Take charge of marketing assets, including physical and online storage and maintenance, digital and online media, and any third-party platform information placements.
  • Support the sales team by supplying marketing collateral, handover collateral, and performing relevant inspections for sales offices.
  • Keep promotional materials such as brochures and stationery current and readily available for distribution.
  • Maintain inventory and facilitate ordering of replacement materials.
  • Assist in preparing and managing marketing budgets and projected cash flows as outlined by the Marketing Director.
  • Monitor contracts, invoices, process payments, and facilitate reimbursements as necessary.
  • Serve as the departmental point of contact for obtaining and recording relevant approvals, both in-house and from third parties such as hotel operators.
  • Maintain accurate records of marketing activities and results.
  • Assist marketing executive in organizing and managing events and related campaigns such as seminars, user groups, marketing events, workshops, and conferences, locally, regionally, and internationally.
  • Ensure compliance with organizational guidelines by coordinating tendering for all products and services.
  • Manage and coordinate travel arrangements for relevant marketing requirements.
  • Prepare correspondence, reports, presentations, and other marketing materials.
  • Conduct research and gather data on competitors, customers, and industry trends.
Namizədə tələblər:
  • A bachelor's degree in marketing, business administration, or a related field.
  • At least 2 years of professional experience in marketing, administration, or a related field.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, with the ability to quickly learn new software and systems.
  • Familiarity with ERP or CRM systems and marketing automation tools is preferred.
  • Ability to present complex data in easily understandable visual aids, such as graphs and charts, for clients and management.
  • Project and event management skills, with the ability to effectively plan, organize, and execute projects and events.
  • Strong research skills, with the ability to document technical information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail, with the ability to maintain a high level of accuracy.
  • Ability to maintain strict confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Fluency in English, Azerbaijani, and Russian languages is required at an advanced level.

Elan #848739

  • 1335

Oxşar vakansiyalar

Bakıda işlər Azərbaycanda iş axtaranlarla işəgötürənləri bir araya gətirən peşəkar iş elanları platformasıdır. Ən son vakansiyalar, freelancer işlər, təcrübə proqramları və karyera inkişafı üçün faydalı resurslar burada! İş axtarırsan? sənə ən uyğun iş elanlarını tapmaq, CV-ni yerləşdirmək və birbaşa işəgötürənlərlə əlaqə yaratmaq imkanı verir. Müxtəlif sahələr üzrə vakansiyalar, startap iş imkanları, korporativ şirkət elanları və dövlət sektorunda karyera fürsətləri bir klik uzaqlığındadır. İşəgötürənsiniz? Platformamız vasitəsilə elanlarınızı yerləşdirin, geniş iş axtaran bazasına çıxış əldə edin və ən uyğun namizədləri sürətli şəkildə tapın. şirkətlərin işə qəbul prosesini optimallaşdıraraq, istedadlı namizədlərlə görüşməyinizi asanlaşdırır.
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