1500 - 2000 AZN
17 mart 2021
16 aprel 2021
Company Project : Local E -commerce
Position : Mobile Application developer
Salary : 1500 – 2000 Azn
• Develop new components and features for applications
• Monitoring and improving performance.
• Developing and implementing highly-responsive user interface components using.
• Working with the project management team to discuss user interface ideas and applications.
• Experience with Java, Kotlin, Dart (Fullter)
• Working knowledge of Rest API, JSON
• Knowledge of Retrofit, OkHttp, Glide, Kodein,FCM, Map ,Constraint Layout libraries for Java and Kotlin
• Knowledge of Get It, Bloc, http libraries for Dart (Flutter)
• Experience with Flutter states
• Familiarity with apps deployment in App Store and Play Store
Interested candidates, please send your CV to highlighting the position name “Mobile Application Developer” in the subject line.
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