Razılaşma ilə
16 fevral 2023
18 mart 2023
·Proposing and speeding up technology deliveries for the company.
·Working with product&data and implementation of new systems and enhancement of existing systems, translating business requirements into technical requirements.
·Conducting cost/benefit analyses for proposed IT projects/products as input to the organization’s roadmap.
·Managing the business requirements process for technology projects by facilitating, documenting, validating, prioritizing and establishing baseline business requirements for demands
·Guide complex, quantitative and statistical analyses, combine them with your common sense and then come up with smart conclusions and recommendations
Namizədə tələblər:·2+ years of experience in business analysis processes and methodologies, ability to understand and explain issues from both technical and business functional point of view
·Minimum Bachelor’s Degree at related fields
·Strong analytical mind and advanced problem-solving skills
·Basic knowledge of query languages, preferably SQL
·Software understanding & software project experience
·Strong reporting & analysis skills
·Amazing social & Communication skills. You’ll be a part of a really cool team.
·Extreme willingness to learn and high sense of responsibility
·Ability to deal with ambiguity and change
Sizin elan saytın ana səhifəsində xüsusi ayrılmış blokda görünəcək və xidmətin
müddətinin sonunadək orada qalacaq.
Bu əməliyyatı etmək üçün profilə giriş etməyiniz tələb olunur.
Bu əməliyyatı etmək üçün profilə giriş etməyiniz tələb olunur.