Razılaşma ilə
01 dekabr 2023
31 dekabr 2023
·Develop testing plans to verify product functionality prior to release;
·Test product functionality to assure successful implementation as defined by requirements;
·Document, troubleshoot and manage any issues, bugs, changes;
·Collaborate with engineering teams to reproduce issues identified during testing;
·Perform quality assurance and execute manual, end to end, regression testing across multiple environments and platforms, including production;
·Create and execute test plans, test cases, test scenarios, regression tests, and work with developers to ensure all reported software bugs/defects are resolved;
·Set up a range of testing capabilities, including UAT
·Collaborate with product owners to design measurable acceptance criteria and drive clear definitions of done.
Kapital Bank-da iş mühiti ilə daha yaxından tanış olmaq üçün keçid edin -
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