Quality control specialist


Vaxtı bitmiş

1200 - 1400 AZN

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Elan № 3422

Quality control specialist vakansiyaları

Quality control specialist vakansiyaları

05 Oktyabr 2020

Elan tarixi

04 Noyabr 2020

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İş məlumatları



3 ildən 5 ilə qədər

İş stajı

1200 - 1400 AZN

Əmək haqqı AZN


İş rejimi





İş barədə məlumat

Key work functions:

- To control conformance of documentation to the product, material and equipment that come in the company, to the applicable state and international standards;
- To ensure implementation in the company of the international standards, with which Azerbaijan Republic has a partnership relation;
- To organize and carry out quality development actions in the company;
- To ensure the materials and equipment that come in the company conforms to quality and design requirements;
- To control packing,marking and external view of the coming-in materials and equipment comes from requisitioners and subcontractors;
- In case of discovery of any non-conforming material or equipment, to inform the director supervisor about it;
- To prepare weekly (monthly, annual) reports and to submit them to director supervisor;
- To prepare procedures for the purpose of achieving high standards, quality and reliability;
- To control testing works conducted at the company's operational sites;
- To keep records for the ares of his/her responsibility;
- When fulfilling his/her obligations, to inform director supervisor about any shortcomings arising;
- To follow the intuctions of director supervisor timely and promptly;
- If need to visit to offshore workspace;
- To follow the regulations of the company's discipline;
- To fulfill the relevant to the job description tasks assigned by the manager;
- To conduct the work according to company values;
- To provide equal opportunity and non-discriminatory working environment.

Work functions related to risk management:

1. To make planning of each work under control, to identify hazards, assess the risks and opportunities related to it;
2. To ensure implementation of control measures identified during risk assessments.

Work functions related to health & safety:

1. To study, get acquainted and apply the requirements for safety, hygiene, and fire protection as defined by relevant labor safety regulations;
2. To perform work in case if it does not threaten you and other employees, do not work with devices, in machinery operating rooms and explosive depots, and also to refrain from working in some other places where life hazards may arise;
3. To work in the special clothing and shoes issued, to use protective methods as stated in the individual or collective contracts as well as special protection means provided for on the technological process, occupational safety norms, regulations and guidelines when performing labor functions;
4. To immediately inform the employer, workplace supervisor and HSE officer about any violations of occupational safety regulations as well as accidents and incidents;
5. To improve regularly the knowledge on occupational safety norms and rules;
6. To follow the orders and advice of employers, workplace supervisors and HSE officers on occupational safety issues;
7. To participate in fire and evacuation execises-trainings held in the company and to perform the functions assigned to it in these exercises-training;
8. To comply with safety procedures applied in the company;
9. To take part in safety instructions and be aware of planned operations and self-related activities;
10. To take immediately appropriate action or report to the top manager of the actual or potential threat to health and equipment in the workplace;
11. To plan in advance all supervised activities, assess risks, inform in advance stakeholders at the toolbox and provide control measures;
12. To conduct as assessment in order to identify potential hazards of the tasks performed in the field of control

Work functions related to environment:

1. To comply with ecological standards implemented in the company;
2. To manage and comply with the rules on wastes segregation and collection based on requirements of Waste Management Procedure;
3. To be aware of ecological aspects related with the work activities and to implement control measures.

Salary: 1200-1400  AZN Net


Must have knowledge of:

- Azerbaijan Republic legislation related to the scope of activity, applied standards and internal normative documents;
- Internal rules of labour dicipline and;
- Labour safety, safety technique, production sanitary norms and rules;
- Fundamentals of labour organization;
- Business ethic code;
- Requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018, ISO 14001:2015, API Spec Q2.


- Experience- at least of 3 years experience
- Education- Higher education
- Skills- Ability to work with Microsoft Office programs and intermadiate level of English language

Interested Candidates should send their CVs to recruitment@ires.az indicating the title of position in the subject line of their message. Otherwise your candidacy will not be considered.

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Elan № 3422

Quality control specialist vakansiyaları

Quality control specialist vakansiyaları

05 Oktyabr 2020

Elan tarixi

04 Noyabr 2020

Bitmə tarixi



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