Senior Budget Specialist
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Elan № 11330
Senior Budget Specialist vakansiyaları
Senior Budget Specialist vakansiyaları
07 Dekabr 2022
Elan tarixi
06 Yanvar 2023
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
- Responsible for preparation and control of the company's budget
- Considers budget proposals and prepares financial reports
- Carry out financial analysis and budget planning in accordance with corporate goals
- Advice on short-term and long-term budget planning
- Manage the entire budget and planning process of the company
- Develop and implement effective budget models for the company
- Identify differences between actual and plan at the end of each reporting period
- Analyze financial information to ensure that all transactions are within the budget
- Submit annual budgets to management
- Carry out an analysis of periodic and temporary budget expenditures
- Preparation of annual budget estimates submitted by the budget holders
- Consideration of budget approval requirements
- Participation and coordination of relevant structural units in budget planning
- Develop and lead presentations and other materials to illustrate campaign performance for use in management meetings
- Establishes and recommends procedures and prepares reports.
- Work in coordination with relevant managers to implement structural budgets in a timely and accurate manner
- Review the company's budget for compliance with legal regulations
- Receipt of budget estimates from budget holders, review for accuracy or completeness
- Review the previous budget and analyze the previous financial year based on the budget planning
- Making changes in the budget in accordance with the management unit and administrative staff of the relevant department
- Analysis of data for budget presentation and review of the financial condition of all operations
- Monitor the budget throughout the year
- Prepare detailed reports on non-conformities and changes in the budget
- Follow the approved budget policy to manage the budget process
- Cost Coding (WBS) of invoices according to budget in SAP
- Preparing Accruals on a monthly basis
- Min Bachelor’s degree in Finance/ Economics
- Reporting skills
- To have leadership qualities that can be implemented in the team
- ACCA, CFA, CPA, or equivalent certificates is a privilege.
- Data analysis (Power BI, Excel Dashboard)
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Elan № 11330
Senior Budget Specialist vakansiyaları
Senior Budget Specialist vakansiyaları
07 Dekabr 2022
Elan tarixi
06 Yanvar 2023
Bitmə tarixi