SƏTƏM mühəndisi
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Elan № 10716
SƏTƏM mühəndisi vakansiyaları
SƏTƏM mühəndisi vakansiyaları
20 Oktyabr 2022
Elan tarixi
19 Noyabr 2022
Bitmə tarixi
İş məlumatları
SƏTƏM mühəndisi
1 ildən 3 ilə qədər
İş stajı
500 - 900 AZN
Əmək haqqı AZN
İş rejimi
İş barədə məlumat
- Create and coordinate the Company and HSE Management System
- Develop standards, policies and procedures related to HSE in line with the local legislation and best international practice
- Prepare HSE Plans
- Able to provide the correct HSE advice, make decisions and lead and manage others in changing site-based conditions
- Carry out regular HSE inspections of the facilities and record findings and recommendations in writing
- Develop, review and coordinate Risk Assessments and chair Task Risk Assessment meetings
- Identify, prioritize, monitor and coordinate significant HSSE aspects and develop HSE targets and objectives related to Project HSE activities.
- Facilitate, monitor and coordinate implementation of Management and HSE programs, HSE Assurance, improvement plans and activities
- Coordinate security operations or activities with public law enforcement, state security agencies, fire and other agencies.
- Plan, direct, or coordinate HSE and security activities to safeguard company assets, employees, guests, or others on company property.
- Continuously improve Safety Culture within the organization.
- Carry out HSE training courses to Company employees, and HSE team members as needed
- Create and coordinate the Company and HSE Management System
- Develop standards, policies and procedures related to HSE in line with the local legislation and best international practice
- Prepare HSE Plans
- Able to provide the correct HSE advice, make decisions and lead and manage others in changing site-based conditions
- Carry out regular HSE inspections of the facilities and record findings and recommendations in writing
- Develop, review and coordinate Risk Assessments and chair Task Risk Assessment meetings
- Identify, prioritize, monitor and coordinate significant HSSE aspects and develop HSE targets and objectives related to Project HSE activities.
- Facilitate, monitor and coordinate implementation of Management and HSE programs, HSE Assurance, improvement plans and activities
- Coordinate security operations or activities with public law enforcement, state security agencies, fire and other agencies.
- Plan, direct, or coordinate HSE and security activities to safeguard company assets, employees, guests, or others on company property.
- Continuously improve Safety Culture within the organization.
- Carry out HSE training courses to Company employees, and HSE team members as needed
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Elan № 10716
SƏTƏM mühəndisi vakansiyaları
SƏTƏM mühəndisi vakansiyaları
20 Oktyabr 2022
Elan tarixi
19 Noyabr 2022
Bitmə tarixi