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Elan № 13281
Training Manager vakansiyaları
Training Manager vakansiyaları
16 May 2023
Elan tarixi
15 İyun 2023
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İş məlumatları
Training Manager
3 ildən 5 ilə qədər
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İş rejimi
Heyətin idarəolunması
İş barədə məlumat
- Identify and assess the training needs of the organization through job analysis, career paths and consultation with managers.
- Develop individualized and group training programs that address specific business needs.
- Develop training manuals that target tangible results.
- Implement effective and purposeful training methods.
- Effectively manage the training budget.
- Evaluate organizational performance to ensure that training is meeting business needs and improving performance.
- Assess employees’ skills, performance and productivity to identify areas of improvement.
- Drive brand values and philosophy through all training and development activities.
- Effectively communicate with team members, trainers and management.
- Create a curriculum to facilitate strategic training based on the organizations goals.
- Select and manage resources, including working with both internal employees and training vendors to develop and deliver training.
- Manage the technologies and technical personnel required to develop, manage and deliver training.
- Keep abreast of training trends, developments and best practices.
- Bachelors degree in human resources or a related field (essential).
- A minimum of 3 years experience in training and development management (essential).
- Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills.
- Superb track record in developing and executing successful training programs.
- Critical thinker with innovative problem solving skills.
- Highly computer literate with proficiency in MS Office and related business and communication tools.
- Familiar with traditional and modern training processes.
- Fantastic organizational and time management skills.
- Strategic and creative mindset.
- Meticulous attention to detail.
- Experience in hospitality industry
- Fluent English language
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Elan № 13281
Training Manager vakansiyaları
Training Manager vakansiyaları
16 May 2023
Elan tarixi
15 İyun 2023
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