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Elan № 6638
Trade Internship vakansiyaları
Trade Internship vakansiyaları
30 Avqust 2021
Elan tarixi
15 Sentyabr 2021
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İş məlumatları
İş barədə məlumat
“PASHA Capital Investment Company” CJSC was established in June, 2012. In 2013 the Company was awarded "The Best Broker in Azerbaijan" organized by EMEA Finance in the category of “Europe Banking Awards 2013”. Subsequently, company was awarded “The Best Investment Company of the Year” by Cbonds Awards CIS 2019. The Company provides all kind of investment services to its customers.
PASHA Capital Investment Company invites those who are interested in building a career in the sphere of investment management, IPO’s and other security related transactions, to the Internship program. The Program will last for a month, and ends with a permanent job offer to the selected candidates.
Selection Process:
- CV screening and invitation to the Preliminary Interview
- Interview on Behavioral factors assessment
- Interview on Technical skills assessment
Description of the Internship Program:
The Program is aimed to attract the candidates those who want to build a career in Investment field and progress as part of the PASHA Capital Investment Company's development and growth plans in the local and foreign capital markets. Program participants will participate in various tasks and projects with the purpose of the valuation, purchase and sale of debt securities, the establishment and maintenance of communication with investors and clients. By referring to different cases and tasks assigned to them, the successful candidates will be offered a permanent job in PASHA Capital Investment Company based on their knowledge gained in finance and investment fields, practical abilities, communication and presentations skills, and also reult oriented deal making skills. All other program participants will be provided with a certificate of completion of the Internship program at PASHA Capital Investment Company, if desired.
- Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, and other related specifications (CFA1 level and higher degrees are preferable)
- Work experience is not required (relevant short term experience or internship, training in investment, banking, finance, or any other similar activities is an advantage)
- Fluent in English; Russian is an advantage.
- Microsoft Office Programs; Bloomberg (preferable)
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV to hr@pashacapital.az.
Deadline: 15.09.2021
Selection Process: 15.09.2021-30.09.2021
Start of the Internship Program: 01.10.2021
Note: Successful candidates are requested to have COVID 19 passport or immune certificate.
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Elan № 6638
Trade Internship vakansiyaları
Trade Internship vakansiyaları
30 Avqust 2021
Elan tarixi
15 Sentyabr 2021
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