Junior-full stack developer

Junior-full stack developer is elani

Vaxtı bitmiş

Ə/h razılaşma ilə

Diqqət! Bu elanın vaxtı bitib. Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları üçün bura daxil olun.

Elan № 1514

Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları

Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları

27 İyun 2020

Elan tarixi

27 İyul 2020

Bitmə tarixi



İş məlumatları



Ə/h razılaşma ilə

Əmək haqqı AZN


İş rejimi





İş barədə məlumat

İş barədə məlumat
Easymove is a reinventing the way how people furnish homes.
It is the fastest way to reimagine house. Make house your home.

With a tap on a button you get interior design which fits your rooms and ability to purchase and get items within the same hour.

Easymove is the fastest growing startup.

We are team of professionals and looking for new team member who will bring a value in product.

Work environment:
- Remote position. Need to be online from 4 pm -10pm Baku time
- Follow project task and complete on time
- Working with trello cards and be involved in product development.
- Use Trello, Slack, Zoom
- Attend daily standup meetings

Namizədə tələblər
- Experience and Knowledge in MERN Stack,
Working with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React
- Components, Redux, Redux-Saga
- Knowledge of PHP (Laravel)
- Working with GIT, Trello, Slack, Zoom
- Creating REST API, Google API, MongoDB, Firebase, Twilio API, Java Script, ES6, Async, Lodash, socket.io, Mongoose
- Preferable experience in GraphQL
- Proficient with version control systems (preferably Git)
- Follow and be in communication with UI/UX designer and Front-end developers
- Experience of working with AWS EC2 instances
- Experience if creating API documentation and being involve in product roadmap
- Experience with Sentry, Firebase Analytics., Stripe
- Knowledge of React-native is plus

Maaş:500-800 AZN

(050) 432-55-66
(012) 452-52-83

Knowledge on developing VR/AR Javascript applications.


Vakansiyalardan daha tez xəbərdar olmaq üçün Telegram kanalımıza abunə olun!

Elan № 1514

Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları

Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları

27 İyun 2020

Elan tarixi

27 İyul 2020

Bitmə tarixi



Junior-full stack developer vakansiyaları
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